Terms of use

The material, trademarks and intellectual property rights contained within this site are property of Le Fablier Spa unless rights of others are clearly stated, and to them laws on copyright are applicable. You may copy the content of the site only for personal use. The content of this site may not be sold or otherwise distributed upon payment.

Neither Le Fablier nor any other party involved in the creation, production and development of this site are responsible for any damages, direct and / or indirect, that may occur during and / or as a result of the access and use of this site. In addition, Le Fablier is not responsible for the damages, among which the computer virus infections, that your equipments might suffer because of the use or access to this site or as a result of downloading its contents.

While every personal information sent to the site of Le Fablier will be treated according to the law, every non personal data communicated in Le Fablier through the Internet otherwise (including suggestions, ideas, drawings, projects, etc ...) becomes and remains exclusive property of Le Fablier, moving to the latter free of charge and with all rights and powers. Such non personal data must not be considered as confidential.

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